Tuesday, August 27, 2013

After watching the sweet animation in the class, I thought about an interesting quote by Vilem Flusser, a prominent contemporary philosopher.

"To come to know someone" is a process better defined by "To learn that the other is unknowable." The more I penetrate the other, the more I lose myself in his abysses. But such description falsifies the essence of the process. In reality, the other opens himself to me as long as I open myself to him. The abysmal mystery of the other is revealed by mutual suction ("attraction"), which is the essence of the dialogue between friends. The mystery has nothing to do with "the problem of man". For the anthropologist, man is  complex system, and therefore to be resolved. For a fridns, his fridns is not a problem; he is mysterious."

Contemplate the quote above and write your interpretation about the animation.

You guys need to blog!!!!!
Every Sunday I will be checking your blog. Upload visuals, videos, images, ideas you want to share with class which gave you inspiration and motives to work!!!

Let's start the class with interesting animation!
