Midterm Take Home Exam
Date _____________
1. Your camera tells you that 1/125 @ F11 is the
correct exposure. List two other
exposures that would allow you to bracket
around this reading.
2. Fill in the intermittent apertures.
___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ F22
3. Fill in the intermittent shutter speeds.
____ ____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 1/1000 sec
4. F22 would produce a shallower depth of field
than F8. T F
5. While photographing a scene, the camera shows
that 1/250 @ F16 will produce a correct exposure.
Give two equivalent exposures for this reading. _____________, _____________
6. Which shutter speed would best stop a car
moving across the frame. A) 1/1000 sec B) 1/30 sec C) 1/4000 sec D)
1/60 sec
7. Dodging is the global adjustment that will
darken areas of your image. T or F
8.An ISO rating of 400 is more
sensitive to light than 800. T F
9. What is the difference
between global and local adjustments?
10. How many mega pixels you
need to make a 8x12 print at 360 ppi?
11. Name two tools in Photoshop you can use to adjust the
density (brightness) of your image.
____________, ____________
12. Name three tools you can
use in Photoshop to change the color
of your image. _______________,
_______________, ______________
13. What is the best file
type to use when emailing or posting pictures to the web? __________
14. What is the advantage of
using adjustment layers?
15. What color workspace is
best used when editing photographs?
16. ________________ is a
graphic representation of your image and can also be used to judge for correct
17. Name two tools in Camera Raw you can use to change the
density of your image.
_______________, _______________
18. Name two tools in Camera Raw you can use to change the
color of your image.
_______________, ________________
19. What is exposing to the
right and what is its advantage.
20. Draw a basic histogram
for an underexposed image.
21. Draw a basic histogram for
an overexposed image.
22. Draw a basic histogram
for a correctly exposed image.
23. What is the best file to
use as a layered working file in Photoshop?
24. Name two advantages of
having a larger digital sensor.
___________________, _________________________
25. Pixels of unrelated color
and/or brightness to surrounding pixels are known as __________________.
26. Name two factors that
would cause noise.
______________________, _________________________
27. In camera raw what is the
difference between the Vibrance controls and the Saturation controls.
28. Images made of pixels are
known as vector based images. T or F
29. Name two tools you can
use to retouch a photograph.
______________________, _____________________
30. Name three tools you can
use to make a selection.
_________________, ____________________, ________________
31. Name two tools in Camera
Raw can you use to adjust a particular area of an image. _______________, _____________
32. When editing an image
what does the term “clipping” mean. i.e.
highlight clipping.
33. Name two advantages to
shooting with a raw file.
34. What software is best
used to get the images from your camera onto your computer? _________________________
35. What is the best way to
erase areas in an image?
36. Name two controls in
Camera Raw used to recover image detail.
__________________, ______________________
Bonus +1 each
1.What year was the first
digital camera produced? _________________
2.What is the temperature
scale used to measure color temperature in photography? __________________
3.What president is on the
$100 bill? ____________________