Digital Media: Photographic Imaging and Aesthetics A&D 267
Fall 2017 T+R 2:30-5:30
Pao Hall B162
Instructor: Min Kim Park
Office: Pao Hall b190
Office Hours – Tuesdays 1-2:30
Course Description
Class sessions will be devoted to lectures, discussions, critiques, technical demonstrations and lab days. Students should expect to spend additional hours in the lab and on image capture each week. Students will receive feedback on their work both in the form of group and online critiques, as well as individual meetings with the instructor at mid-term and at the end of the semester. Students are expected to actively participate in all aspects of the class.
Optional Recommended Text
Adobe Photoshop CC 2016 for Photographers: A Professional Image Editor's Guide to the Creative use of Photoshop for the Macintosh and PC by Martin Evening, Focal Press
Computer Requirements
This class will use a web-based component to provide students with assignments, readings, and other class materials.
Learning Objectives
After completing this course students will have an understanding of the following:
§ Introduction to digital camera controls, exposure, lighting, managing digital workflow, color management, color theory, formatting files, downloading, basic image adjustment including selections, retouching, b/w conversion, adjustment layers, digital printing, scanning & basic Adobe Camera Raw, Bridge & CC
§ Using photoshop
§ Gain knowledge of issues in contemporary fine art photographic practice and apply them creatively to your images.
§ The ability to discuss and interpret the meaning of photographs from the study of photography’s history and current practices.
Grading Policy
All assignments must be completed receive a passing grade.
Creative Assignments (2) 30%
Shooting Assignment (2) 20%
Presentation 10%
Critical Response Paper 10%
Attendance and Participation: 10%
Final 20%
Final 20%
A: Exceptional work. Successfully fulfills the requirements of the assignment,
Demonstrates superior technical skill and creativity.
B: Meets the requirements of the assignment while demonstrating good (or improving)
technique exceeding the requirements of the assignment.
C: Requirements of the assignment are met with a need for improvement.
D: Work is below average, poor technique, more time needed in preparation of the
F: Incomplete work, extremely poor technique, no time or thought put into assignment
Creative Assignments (2) – 150 points each
Will be graded on the students’ ability to take techniques learned in the classroom and lab demonstrations and apply them to meet the criteria of each assignment.
Overall quality – 100
Technical – 15
Composition – 15
Content and Creativity – 15
Correct Files -15
Shooting Assignments (2) – 100 points each
Technical assignments are graded of the basis of proper completion of the assignment in regards to learning at specific technical skill
Critical Response Paper – 100 points
Written assignment are evaluated on the student’s ability to critically engage with the material, provide an analysis of images and proper use of grammar and punctuation. Your critical response papers are posted in the your blog.
Presenation-100 points_ 100 points
Students choose their favorite artist (constructed and staged photographers, photoshop artists, etc) to present. 10 mins.
Students choose their favorite artist (constructed and staged photographers, photoshop artists, etc) to present. 10 mins.
Participation –100 points-100 points
Participation will be based on the students’ class attendance, participation during class lab times, critiques, and weekly blog postings. Students are expected to engage in class discussions and critiques.
Final-200 points-200points
Will be graded on the students’ ability to take techniques learned in the classroom and lab demonstrations and apply them to meet the criteria of Final.
Final-200 points-200points
Will be graded on the students’ ability to take techniques learned in the classroom and lab demonstrations and apply them to meet the criteria of Final.
Students will be allowed to reprint assignments on their own time to be turned in one week after critique. Students that fail to have prints ready for critique will be penalized one letter grade for each day the assignment is late. Students who turn in late assignments will not be allowed any reprinting. The work presented in class MUST be made by the student from initial idea to final finished product. Any assignment made by anyone but the student will not be accepted nor will work that was made previous to this class. Doing so will result in automatic failure of the course and possible University suspension. While some of the lab work can be done in class in you come prepared (film processed and ready to print), however be prepared to spend of average four hours of work outside of class per week.
It is expected that all students enrolled in the course will abide by the terms and conditions of student conduct and academic honesty. In addition to the already stern critique policy, any student that disrupts the critiques will be ask to leave the session and will counted absence for the day. Purdue University is committed to creating and maintaining a community in which students, faculty, administrative and academic staff can learn and work together in an atmosphere that enhances productivity and draws on the diversity of its members, an atmosphere free from all forms of disrespectful conduct, harassment, exploitation or intimidation, including sexual. No form of harassment will be tolerated in this class.
A majority of your learning experience in this class will involve in-class demonstrations and individual work during class lab hours. Attendance not only means coming to class on time, but coming to class prepared to work. It is in your best interest to take advantage of in class work times in order to lessen time needed outside class to complete the assignments. Not coming to class with the required materials needed, leaving class early and tardiness exceeding 15 minutes will all result in an unexcused absence for that class.
Student are allowed three unexcused absences during the course the semester. After three unexcused absences any additional absence will result in full letter grade drop (10%) to the student’s final grade. Six or more unexcused absences will result in automatic failure in the course.
Excused absences will require official documentation stating why the student was not able to attend that particular class period and must be worked out with instructor before hand whenever possible. Excused absences must be submitted through the Student Affairs Office.
Cell Phones
Use of cell phones during class is NOT permitted please turn your phone ringer off before class starts, this includes text messaging.
Academic Dishonesty Policy
Academic Dishonesty Policy
All work produced in A&D 267 must be made by the student, from initial idea to finished
All students should be familiar with the university’s policy concerning academic dishonesty.
Policy for Students with Disabilities
Policy for Students with Disabilities
Purdue University is committed to equal opportunity in education for all students, including those with physical, learning and psychological disabilities. University policy states that it is the responsibility of students with disabilities to contact the Office of Disabled Student Services., phone 765-465-2271 to provide documentation of their disability. Following this, the DSS Coordinator will send a letter to each of the student’s instructors outlining the academic accommodation he/she will need to ensure equality in classroom experiences, outside assignment, testing and grading. The instructor and student will meet to discuss how the accommodation(s) requested will be provided.
Affirmative Action Policy
This course will follow Purdue University policy on Affirmative Action, which can be found on p.
Critiques are a time for you to share your work and ideas with your classmates. The purpose of critiques is to help you learn to share, articulate and refine how you see, analyze and talk about photographs. Productive critique involves both giving and receiving feedback and is fundamental to the learning process.
Required Course Supplies and Equipment
Manually adjustable digital camera (The lab has 6 SLR digital cameras for check out)
Epson inkjet paper – 25-50 sheets Epson Premium Luster or Epson Premium Glossy
12GB minimum USB flash drive or external hard drive
Optional Items
External hard drive
These professional establishments are listed without review or endorsement.
B&H Photo (mail-and-web-order camera and supplies)
Freestyle Sales (mail-and-web-order camera and supplies)
Adorama (mail-and-web-order camera and supplies)
Photo-Eye Books (photo-only bookstore and gallery)
376 Garcia Street, Santa Fe
WEEK 1 – Digital Camera Controls
Introduction to the class
Make a Blog
Bring your camera to the next class
Camera Controls
Shooting Outside for the first assignment
Introduction to Shooting Assignment #1 (Light/Color)
Camera controls revisited
Resolution and bit depth
Shooting with a digital camera – Histogram
Why shoot raw? - Exposing right
Camera Raw explained
Review Assignment 1
Camera raw adjustments continued
Smart Objects in camera raw
Introduction to Creative Assignment #1
WEEK 3 – Photoshop CC 2017 Basic Adjustments
Shooting Assignment #1 Due
Photoshop CC introduction – Interface, color settings, preferences and tools
Resizing and saving your images properly
Review Assignment 1
Camera raw adjustments continued
Smart Objects in camera raw
Introduction to Creative Assignment #1
WEEK 3 – Photoshop CC 2017 Basic Adjustments
Shooting Assignment #1 Due
Photoshop CC introduction – Interface, color settings, preferences and tools
Resizing and saving your images properly
Layers and layer management
Basic selections
Class poll – what needs review?
Basic adjustments in Photoshop
Adjustment layers
Review techniques as necessary
WEEK 4 – Selections, masks and adjustments
Selections revisited – quickmasks, color selection, wand tools
Layer masks and clipping layers
Localized adjustments with selections and masks
Dodge and burn layers
Color Correcting the photograph
Retouching – Clone stamp and Healing brush tool using layers
Refine edge tool
WEEK 5 – Critique Creative #1
Movie: Remix Manifesto
Learn Printing, color management and soft proofing
Color Correction with Level and Curves
Work day: There is no class but students are encouraged to come to class to work on the creative assignment.
The instructor will be in Northern Illinois University for the visiting artist lecture and exhibition
WEEK 6 - Retouching, erasing and blending
Work on your Creative Assignment 1
Creative Assignment #1 Due
Introduction to Shooting Assignment #2: Portrait/Space
WEEK 7 – Advanced Photoshop
Advanced Photoshop (Adam and Eve)
Pen Tool
Color Correction with Level and Curves
Discussion on the Student Presentation: Photoshop Artist
Technical Assignment #1 due at the end of the class (Adam and Eve)
Technical Take Home Exam 1 Given
Class poll – what needs review?
Basic adjustments in Photoshop
Adjustment layers
Review techniques as necessary
WEEK 4 – Selections, masks and adjustments
Selections revisited – quickmasks, color selection, wand tools
Layer masks and clipping layers
Localized adjustments with selections and masks
Dodge and burn layers
Color Correcting the photograph
Retouching – Clone stamp and Healing brush tool using layers
Refine edge tool
WEEK 5 – Critique Creative #1
Movie: Remix Manifesto
Learn Printing, color management and soft proofing
Color Correction with Level and Curves
Work day: There is no class but students are encouraged to come to class to work on the creative assignment.
The instructor will be in Northern Illinois University for the visiting artist lecture and exhibition
WEEK 6 - Retouching, erasing and blending
Work on your Creative Assignment 1
Creative Assignment #1 Due
Introduction to Shooting Assignment #2: Portrait/Space
WEEK 7 – Advanced Photoshop
Advanced Photoshop (Adam and Eve)
Pen Tool
Color Correction with Level and Curves
Discussion on the Student Presentation: Photoshop Artist
Technical Assignment #1 due at the end of the class (Adam and Eve)
Technical Take Home Exam 1 Given
Advanced Photoshop (Explosion)
Technical Assignment #2 due at the end of the class. (explosion)
WEEK 8-Shooting assignment Crit 2
10/10(Fall Break)
Advanced Photoshop (Explosion)
3D workshop by Elaine
WEEK 9-Shooting Assignment Due
Advanced Photoshop
Shooting Assignment 2 Due
WEEK 10-Presentation
Presentation on Artist: 8 students present
Mandatory Attendance!!!!
25th, Indecisive Moment
Panel discussion and opening reception at 5:30PM at Stewart Center and Ringel Gallery
Indecisive Moment and the related programming and events are made possible thanks to an Enhancing Research in Humanities and the Arts Grant from the College of Liberal Arts, with additional support from Purdue University Galleries. With this generous grant, co-curator Liz Erlewine, interim director of the Purdue University Galleries, and I have been able to develop and bring this international exhibition of contemporary photography to Purdue, and have organized a panel discussion and series of guest artist studio critiques to accompany the show. The exhibition addresses current trends in contemporary photography practices and includes the work of 10 leading contemporary photography artists. On October 25th, Purdue will host a panel discussion featuring both curators, Purdue’s assistant professor in design history, Jennifer Kaufmann-Buhler, and internationally recognized artists Matt Lipps, Jessica Labatte, and Anastasia Samoylova. During their visit, guest artists will also visit the studios of current MFA graduate students in the dept. of Art and Design to discuss and critique their creative work.
Indecisive Moment will be on display in the Robert L. Ringel gallery from Oct 23 to December 9, 2017.
The opening reception and panel talk will take place on Wednesday October 25th. We will begin in Stewart 310 for the panel talk, with a reception in the gallery to follow. I expect this event to be exciting, informative, and educationally beneficial for Purdue University and local community at large
Presentation on Artist: 6 students present
Discuss the Creative assignment #2
WEEK 11-Creative Assignment #2
Work Day for Creative Assignment #2
Individual meetings (grade turn in)
Work Day for Creative Assignment #2
Advanced Photoshop
Work Day for Creative Assignment #2
Critique Creative Assignment #2
WEEK 13: Intro to Lighting and Building Sets
Introduction to Final: It's a Small World
Building Sets
Building Sets/Lighting
Hot lights onlyBuilding Sets/Lighting
Hot lights onlyBuilding Sets/Lighting
Hot lights only
Final Project Discussion
Critical Response Due for reading #2
Final Project Discussion (Individual)
WEEK 14: Final
11/21-23 (No Class and Thanksgiving Break)
The instructor will be in a conference
WEEK 15: Final
Open Lab
Work Day for Final
Progress Crit
WEEK 16: Final
Critique Final Project (No late Project)
Critique Final Project (No late Project)