Thursday, August 25, 2016

Today's lecture on camera control and artists work example for shooting assignment is posted. Check it out! Photograph with Intention!

Friday, August 19, 2016

Welcome to the Class!

Here is a quote by Adrienne Rich to contemplate your existence as an artist. 

"The movement for change is a changing movement, changing itself, demasculinizing itself, de-Westernizing itself, becoming a critical mass that is saying so in many different voices, languages, gestures, actions: It must change; we ourselves can change it.
We who are not the same. We who are many and do not want to be the same."

Adrienne Rich, « Notes toward a Politics of Location » 

Also here is the link which give you a direction about create a blog!
Please reference the site to create a blog.

Make 8 pages:

Shooting Assignment 1
Shooting Assignment 2
Creative Assignment 1
Creative Assignment 2
Movie Responses
Critical Paper Responses